What is Total Life Changes IASO Tea?

Total Life Changes IASO Tea is one of about a dozen different IASO products sold by Total Life Changes. In addition to IASO Tea, the company sells IASO coffee and IASO skin creams.
These IASO products don’t really have anything in common: some of them reduce the effects of aging, while others are designed to enhance the effects of coffee. In the case of IASO Tea, the product is designed to cleanse the digestive system.
Total Life Changes calls its tea a “miracle tea”. Here’s how the official TLC website describes it:
“This unique all-natural blend of 9 essential herbs is designed to cleanse the upper and lower intestines, ridding the body of toxins and some really nasty parasites. Just 8 ounces of this mild tea twice daily can provide you with dramatic results.”
There are no further details about the tea available on the official website. Total Life Changes doesn’t want you to buy the tea from the official website: it wants you to buy the tea from one of their network affiliates.

How Does IASO Tea Work?

Total-Life-Changes-IASO-TeaThe official Total Life Changes website may not explain how IASO tea works, but if you dig a little deeper, you find that the tea relies on powerful digestive enzymes.
These enzymes are typically destroyed during food processing. That means the foods we eat don’t contain the enzymes needed to digest them. This can reduce digestive efficiency, which means you get less nutrients and energy from the foods you eat.

IASO Tea Ingredients

Once again, Total Life Changes doesn’t publically publish the list of ingredients in IASO Tea: it expects you to get that information from a member of their network.
However, we’ve found that IASO Tea contains all of the following natural ingredients:
— Persimmon Leaves
— Holy Thistle
— Malva Leaves
— Marsh Mallow
— Blessed Thistle
— Papaya
— Ginger
— Chamomile
— Myrrh
We can assume those ingredients are listed in their declining order of appearance. The ingredients might sound unique and weird, but they’re actually relatively common in digestive cleansing supplements.

Health Benefits of IASO Tea

The ingredients aren’t backed by much concrete science, but anecdotal evidence online suggests that users feel cleaner and healthier after taking supplements with one or more of the above ingredients.
Furthermore, ingredients like ginger, myrrh, and marsh mallow have long been used in ancient medicine. Ginger was particularly popular among the ancient Chinese, for example, and is still used today to treat a diverse range of aches and ailments.
Here are some of the suggested benefits of IASO Tea:
— Cleanse Your Digestive System
— Antioxidant And Anti-inflammatory
— Remove Excess Fat From The Body
— Promote Cardiovascular Health
— Purify The Blood
— 100% Organic
Keep in mind that IASO Tea has never undergone independent clinical or scientific research, so the benefits listed above have not been confirmed.

How to Buy IASO Tea

You do not necessarily need to buy IASO Tea from an affiliated member of the Total Life Changes network, you can find it sold from the Company on Amazon. If you try to buy the tea online, you’ll need to enter their member ID or referral ID. Alternatively, you can buy it offline if you know someone who works as a Total Life Changes affiliate.
The IASO Tea category on the Total Life Changes website contains an astonishing number of packages and options. Here are some of the different prices and options for buying IASO Tea:
— IASO Tea 4 Satchel Pack: $39.95. This satchel calls itself a “1 month supply” and contains 40 servings of tea.
 26 Day Intense Weight Loss Pack: $134.85 (contains 1 month of IASO Tea, 1 Nutraburst, 1 bottle of HCG drops, and 1 free pack of IASO tea to support a 500 calorie per day diet.
— Detoxifying Weight Loss Pack: $84.90 (contains 1 month IASO Tea, 1 box Delgada, 1 free pack IASO Tea
— Health Pack: $134.85 (contains 1 month of IASO Tea, 1 bottle of Nutraburst, 1 Gano, and 1 free pack of IASO Tea
You may also be able to find Total Life Changes products on eBay and Amazon, although they tend to be more expensive than ordering from the official site.
All Total Life Changes products come with a 30 day guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied with IASO Tea or other products, you can return the unused tea bags to the manufacturer for a full refund – although you will need to pay the full costs of shipping and handling.

Who Should Use IASO Tea?

IASO Tea may be the most expensive tea you’ll ever buy. That being said, it also has more enzymes than any tea you’ll ever buy. If you want to use a natural tea to support your cleanse, then IASO Tea may be the right product for you.
The tea is loaded with natural ingredients like papaya, ginger, and persimmon leaves. You’re not artificially cleansing your system or loading your body with chemicals. Instead, you’re gently detoxifying your body and giving yourself the nutritional support you need while cleansing or dieting.


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This Siberian mushroom has amazing properties to improve the immune system and much, much more...
  • Anticancer Effects
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Anti-Inflamatory
  • Anti-Viral
  • Hepaprotective
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Antitumor
  • Antioxidant
  • Internal System Cleaner

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Power On your Raw Energy!
Supercharge your day, your diet, and your life with the power of Iaso NRG. Our proven, all-natural formula is designed to give you the results you’re looking for — without the jitters or sudden burnout you can expect from other products. Use Iaso NRG to enhance energy, burn fat, elevate your mood, and reduce hunger.
Energize Your Day…and Control Your Appetite!
Iaso NRG is a synergistic blend of ingredients including dark cocoa, phenylethylamine, natural caffeine and geranaX (active from geranium flower), plus key support minerals. One or two capsules will Power On Your Raw Energy!
Lack of Energy a Major Complaint of Americans!
Many Americans, saddled by high-stress jobs, to much information, inadequate nutrition and not enough time, are seeking help to energize their lives. They feel lifeless, tired and seek a natural solution to add vitality to their day.
Carbohydrates or Sugar are not the answers
When fatigue is experienced, many sufferers go for carbohydrates or sugar to give them back an energy boost. The consumption of a high caloric snack will provide temporary benefit, but the long term result is roller-coaster energy levels and weight gain.
  • Enhance Energy
  • Burn Fat
  • Elevate Your Mood
Regular exercise will over time invigorate the body. However, getting started is THE challenge for most today. The comment “I do not have the energy to exercise” prevents most from ever getting started.
The Complete Benefit
Be energized throughout the day with Iaso NRG. Reduce your appetite, eat less. The combination of increased energy and activity as well as reduced caloric intake, may help lead you to the successful weight loss that you desire! Get Started on achieving YOUR goals with Iaso NRG.


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                        A Brief History of Spirulina:
Spirulina powder is a health supplement made from the spirulina cyanobacteria. In addition to spirulina powder, one typically finds spirulina tablets and spirulina flakes to be taken as supplements also. Spirulina powder is likewise made use of as a supplement to a variety of animal feeds, especially for aquaculture and aquariums. A good quantity of research has been done on the health benefits of this powder, and it appears to support many of the health benefits asserted by its supporters.
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Liver Protection
  • Carotenoids
  • Immune System Support
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Antioxidants
  • Protein Supplement
  • Allergy Reaction Protection
  • Full of Vitamins & Minerals
In fact, spirulina might have been in use as a dietary supplement more than a thousand years ago in Chad. There is evidence to suggest that as far back as the days of the Kanem Empire, spirulina cakes, or Dihe, were made and consumed as supplements. These cakes are still made and offered in contemporary Chad, and they are used as a sort of bouillon for some broths. Many people also believe the Aztecs cultivated and used spirulina as a supplement, as described by a soldier with Cortes in the 16th century. The Aztec word for spirulina, Tecuitatl, means literally the excrement of the stone. Advertisement As a dietary supplement, spirulina has a number of parts that make it very preferable. It contains lots of vitamins, consisting of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinamide (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Although B12 exists, whether or not it is bioavailable in meaningful quantities is in dispute, therefore many vegetarian diet professionals advise not depending upon spirulina powder as a source of B12.
Spirulina likewise includes many various minerals, consisting of calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, salt, zinc, and large quantities of potassium. Additionally, spirulina is, by weight, a great source of protein, with around 60 % of its dry weight including proteins.
Including decreased amounts of lysine, cysteine, and methionine when compared to egg or meat proteins, the amino acid content is still significantly higher than that of most plant proteins. It is a really easily-digestible type of protein, also, and in mix with its other elements is very close to a "best food. & rdquo. Because of its low-cost, huge amount of vitamins and minerals, high protein material, and ease of manufacturing, spirulina has actually typically been taken a look at as a superfood of the future. Specifically as a possible candidate to battle malnutrition on a global scale, spirulina has actually gotten a good deal of support from groups like the United Nations. Some proponents envision huge spirulina ponds feeding thousands of individuals and helping to supplement their nutrient-poor diets to keep them healthy. 
One fringe benefit of spirulina, which is a reason lots of people take spirulina powder daily, is that it is believed to minimize allergic reactions.
 A little dosage taken daily can lower the amount of interleukin-4 in the body significantly, helping to minimize the strength of allergy responses. For people with light allergies, such as hay fever or animal allergies, this little bit can be just enough to keep the body functioning at complete strength. Spirulina powder is a health supplement made from the spirulina cyanobacteria. In addition to spirulina powder, one frequently finds spirulina tablets and spirulina flakes to be taken as supplements. Spirulina powder is likewise made use of as a supplement to a number of animal feeds, particularly for aquaculture and fish tanks. One extra benefit of spirulina, which is a reason many individuals take spirulina powder daily, is that it is believed to reduce allergic responses.

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Is Nutra Burst the #1 way to give your body the amazing gift of all the important nutrients it needs on a daily basis?
Read on to find out…
It’s no secret that to live a healthy and long life, a balanced nutritional diet is extremely important.
Our body is like an expensive car, if you put bad fuel inside of it, not only will it have problems running efficiently; it won’t last too long in good shape either.
Unfortunately most people only start eating healthy because they have a certain reason to do so.
Most often these reasons consist of dieting or a recommendation by the doctor.
The ironical part is that had they followed a healthy diet from the get go, they wouldn’t really have the need of either a diet (to get rid of excess weight) or a doctor (to cure some illness).
Let’s not forget that the older we grow, the more upkeep our body requires from us.
You might have survived on ramen and pizza when you were in college but to do so when you are in your 30’s is a very bad idea.
Yet so many of us keep going through the monotonous grind of our lives, living and eating unhealthily day in day out.
Why so?
Why do we eat unhealthy food that makes us lethargic and lazy when we can eat healthy stuff that would gives us a lot more energy and allow us to accomplish a lot more?
Why don’t you eat healthy?
You, me, our family, our friends, our co-workers; we all have gone through the struggle of eating healthy at least once in our lives.
Clearly we all know the benefits of such a lifestyle change and yet we fail to implement it in our daily lives.
It can’t possibly be because we are lazy or because we don’t like the taste of healthy food – given the availability and variety that one can get in terms of healthy food today, such excuses are not valid.
Why then is it that we’d rather grab a Big Mac and coke rather than put together a quick organic chicken salad?
It involves making an effort

To a large amount of people, eating healthy seems like an inconvenient chore, as they have to take time out of their busy schedule to go and buy healthy groceries and then cook something out of them.
For example, if you have decided to go on an organic food diet, then you will have to make a special stop at a grocery store that specializes in organic food to buy all the things that you need.
Regular grocery stores, more often than not, will not stock those specialized food items.
You might be motivated to make this effort once or twice or at best a few times, but when you have to do this week in and week out, you are very likely to falter and fall off the healthy eating bandwagon.
Confusion over what to buy
It seems that every other day we see a new scientific study that deems x item bad for our health or y item to be very good for our bodies.
With so much information and so much contradiction out there, whom do you trust?
Especially if you go out looking for information on the Internet, you are very likely to run into opposing views on what is good for our bodies and what’s not.
In the end, a person who seemed determined to eat healthy at first, ends up being overwhelmed by all this information, simply deciding to give up on this quest for good health and back to his or her regular unhealthy eating ways.
Let’s not forget the cost factor
Unhealthy food is very often much cheaper than organic healthy food, which is why not everyone can afford to go on a healthy diet.
If you were strapped for money what would you buy? A 7 layer Taco Bell Burrito that costs $2.50 or spend 100$ getting different grocery items to cook a stir fry at home?
Needless to say, anybody on a tight budget will choose the former option.
When it comes to choosing between paying the monthly rent and eating healthy organic food, the former would take precedence for most of us.
Not everyone can afford to spend 100’s of dollars on buying health food every week.
As you can see, it is a combination of the reasons given above that keeps most of us from eating healthy and getting our bodies in shape.
The alternative resort- Multivitamins Pills
This is the next step that most of us who struggle to eat healthy take.
We go to the pharmacist and buy a few bottles of multivitamins in the belief that those pills will get the functioning of our body back in order.
After all, so many people are using them daily and you see their adverts all over the place.
They must be doing a great job right?
While these pills are a billion dollar industry, a study that was published in the December 2013 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine journal proved that these pills do nothing to improve your health or protect you against diseases or lengthen your lifespan.
In essence most of these multivitamins are nothing more than ‘placebo pills’.
Even if you choose the right brand which does actually contain nutritional value, you have to realize that only 10-15% of a pill’s nutritional value gets transferred to your body, a drastic reduction when compared to the nutrients you get from regular intake of healthy food.
Compare this to the fact that you could get as much as 98% more nutritional benefits from a whole food liquid formula like Nutra Burst and those pills seem like an even worst option.

What is NutraBurst?

As mentioned above, NutraBurst is a whole food liquid formula that was designed to provide the kind of nutrition that you couldn’t expect to receive from dietary pills or from the consumption of regular health food.
Every single spoon of this liquid formula is packed with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients and since you are consuming them in a liquid form, they are very easily absorbed in your blood stream, providing you instant benefits.
No need to absorb bad tasting vitamin pills or eat green vegetables that you detest.
A spoon of NutraBurst is enough to provide the kind of nutrition that will see you going from unhealthy to fit.

What does NutraBurst consist of?

The composition of NutraBurst is as follows..
  • 72 minerals
  • All the essential vitamin extracts
  • 22 phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables
  • 19 amino acids
  • 13 whole food greens
  • 12 different healthy herbs
Isn’t it amazing that by simply taking one spoon of NutraBurst, you get the combined benefits of all of the above ingredients?
Imagine if you had to go out and buy all of them separately, not to mention consume them in adequate quantities.
Even then you wouldn’t be able to get the kind of massive health benefits that you get with a single spoonful of NutraBurst.
For example, you’d have to eat a whole bunch of green vegetables to get as much nutrition as you get with NutraBurst, not to mention that you’d still have to take in other vitamins and minerals too.
NutraBurst is also a high source of digestive enzymes that keep your digestive system healthy & functioning optimally and it can easily be considered a complete vitamin supplement as well.
It not only heals your body from years of unhealthy food abuse, it drastically increases the amount of energy that is available to you making you feel less tired, less stressed and more productive.

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